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Piotr Sulewski

Keywords : agricultural risk, crop and livestock production, risk transfer between agricultural activities
In the paper an attempt to identification of unrecognized problem of risk transfer between crop and livestock production has been made. The survey consists of almost 500 Polish livestock farms. The research revealed that the problem of risk transfer between crops and livestock activities was statistically significant and about a half of livestock farms suffered due to losses in crops’ yields. The main transferred risk factor turned out to be losses in pastures production. In the research no farm characteristics connected with losses in animals has been found, what indicates for incidental rather than systematic risk in livestock production.

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Sulewski, P. (2014). RISK TRANSFER FORM CROP TO LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN AGRICULTURE. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 101(1), 90–100. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2014.101.1.9

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