Farmers attitudes towards risk and ways of its limitation

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Piotr Sulewski
Anna Kłoczko-Gajewska

Keywords : risk in agriculture, methods of risk reduction, risk perception
Agricultural producers face several types of risk in their activities, such as business risks (prices, weather conditions, natural disasters, animal illnesses, etc.) or financial risks. Most of interviewed farmers have faced unexpected losses in production, mostly due to droughts and animal illnesses. They have also experienced significant fluctuations of prices for their main products. Nevertheless, farmers use mostly passive forms of risk protection, such as keeping financial reserves or avoiding taking credits. The only popular forms of active protection came out to be product diversification and wealth insurance.

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How to Cite
Sulewski, P., & Kłoczko-Gajewska, A. (2009). Farmers attitudes towards risk and ways of its limitation. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(1), 141–148.

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