Large scale farms in different policy scenarios for 2013 year. Case study

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Piotr Sulewski
Adam Wąs

Keywords : large farms, farm income, linear optimization model
Large size farms despite of small share in the population of farms in Poland are an important part of the agricultural sector due to their share in total supply of agricultural production. The paper aims to investigate direction of changes in production structure and income situation of most common Polish large farm types in different policy scenarios. For each of considered dairy, pig, cattle and arable farm an optimization linear programming model has been set up. Results show that there is still a field for improvements in production patterns of agricultural holdings modelled. Optimization of the cropping structure results with a meaningful farm income increase and less dependency on direct payments.

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How to Cite
Sulewski, P., & Wąs, A. (2008). Large scale farms in different policy scenarios for 2013 year. Case study. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 95(1), 76–84.

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