Changes in land use for production of energy crops in Poland

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Ludwik Wicki

Keywords : bioenergy, bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, food–energy competition
The goal of the article is to evaluate whether production of modern biofuels in Poland competes with food production. CSO and AMA data have been used in the analysis. The data in question refers to the area of arable land in Poland, yields and livestock as well as renewable energy production structure and quantity and production of biodiesel, bioethanol and agricultural biogas. Data concerning quantity of raw materials used for production of the agricultural biogas have been accessed from AMA. Data for 2005-2016 have been collected. Production of bioenergy based on agricultural raw materials has significantly increased. From 2005 to 2016, it increased from 5 to 42 TJ. Approximately 92% of bioenergy from agricultural sources are bioethanol and biodiesel produced from the first generation of raw materials, the production of which is in direct competition with food production. The share of biogas was 8% only. Waste constituted 75% in the raw materials used to produce biogas. The area of production of energy crops has reached 5.6% of arable land in 2016 from 1.5% in 2005. It means that in Poland production of bioenergy from agricultural sources competes with food and feed production and its further increase is not desirable. Actions focused on the increased use of the second generation raw materials for energy production and decreased use of food raw materials should be taken.

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How to Cite
Wicki, L. (2017). Changes in land use for production of energy crops in Poland. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 104(4), 37–47.

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