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Wioleta Sobczak
Lilianna Jabłońska

Keywords : retail prices, vegetables, Poland, European Union
In the paper the horizontal and vertical comparative analysis of retail prices of vegetables in Poland and selected European countries have been done. The differences in prices between countries against level of afflu­ence differentiation, the dynamics of their changes in the selected countries and the price relationships of some vegetables have been analyzed. The time series for the relative prices of horticultural products in the form of price indexes and the GDP per capita come from Eurostat, the Central Statistical Office and the publication of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics - National Research Institute. The study covered the years 2004-2012, in after the Polish accession to the EU. The results of the analysis will allow to assess the situation of vegetable consumers in Poland compared to other EU countries, and may be also helpful in decision-making process of companies operating on the vegetable market. Research has shown that on the European markets there is a growing trend in vegetable retail prices, accompanied by an increase in GDP per capita. The strength of the correlation of these two variables was higher in countries with lower levels of wealth.

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How to Cite
Sobczak, W., & Jabłońska, L. (2015). VEGETABLES RETAIL PRICES IN POLAND AND SELECTED EU COUNTRIES. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 102(2), 97–104.

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