Chain attitudes towards animal welfare problems in chosen EU member states and in Poland

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Agata Malak-Rawlikowska
Monika Gębska

Keywords : animal welfare, upgraded standards, attitudes of chain actors
The paper presents results of the study about the chain attitudes towards farm animal welfare problems and standards. The legal aspects and private initiatives has been described as well. Awareness about the animal welfare is varying among the countries and different chain segments. Constant education of producers, transport and slaughter representatives about the animal welfare requirements was emphasized as the most important factor of welfare improvement, sometimes even more effective then imposing additional regulations. On the other hand there is a need of society education to support the conscious choices of consumers which would stimulate adjustments in at the other food chain segments.

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How to Cite
Malak-Rawlikowska, A., & Gębska, M. (2010). Chain attitudes towards animal welfare problems in chosen EU member states and in Poland. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(4), 135–148.

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