Concentration changes on seed market in Poland

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Ludwik Wicki

Keywords : words: plant breeding concentration, varieties concentration, Gini coefficient, C4, HHI
This paper presents results of estimates of concentration changes on Polish seed market in 1994- 2008. Series of CR4, Herfindahl and Gini indices were employed to ascertain the level of concentration. The results gained shows that the concentration was significantly lower for important agricultural species such as wheat, barley and potato. For other crops concentration level do not decrease significantly in spite of that the number of varieties rose twice during last 15 years. The concentration of the breeders also lower significantly, but only in important agricultural species. In Polish breeding sector it was observed that it becoming be strongly concentrated in last years, with two dominating breeders groups. Though concentration in Polish breeding sector is much higher, the economic strength of the Polish breeders weakened because of limitation of certified seed use in Polish agriculture and competition of foreign breeders.

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How to Cite
Wicki, L. (2009). Concentration changes on seed market in Poland. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(3), 28–40.

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