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Adam Wąs
Sylwia Małażewska

Keywords : structural changes, farm, agriculture
is decreasing while their average area is increasing. However, the rate of those changes and present farm structure is very diversified across Europe. The main aim of this paper is to present the changes in this subject and advancement in structural changes in agriculture against changes of main economic indicators in chosen European countries. Finally the authors attempt to indicate the optimal direction of structural changes in Polish agriculture. The direction, rate and advancement of structural changes in agriculture differ among selected European countries. Authors support the idea of applying a model of structural changes in Poland, leading to a polarized structure of farms.

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How to Cite
Wąs, A., & Małażewska, S. (2012). STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN AGRICULTURE IN SELECTED EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 99(4), 75–88.

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