Changes in economic results of dairy farms in different policy scenario for 2013 year

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Piotr Sulewski
Adam Wąs

Keywords : milk farms, farm income, linear optimization model
In the paper changes in income situation and production structure of selected milk farms in different policy scenarios have been presented. For each of considered farm an optimization linear programming model has been set up. Results show that there is realistic threat of deterioration of economic situation in those farms. Still there is a field for improvements in production patterns of agricultural holdings modeled. Optimization of the cropping structure results with a meaningful farm income increase and less dependency on direct payments.

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How to Cite
Sulewski, P., & Wąs, A. (2009). Changes in economic results of dairy farms in different policy scenario for 2013 year. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(1), 91–100.

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