The possibilities of reducing income risk imposed by ground frost in apple production

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Jakub Kłoczko
Adam Wąs

Keywords : income risk, risk mitigation, farm sumulation model, production risk in apple production
This paper aimed to investigatethe possibilities of reducing risk emerging from sprong ground frost in orchard fruit production. The analysis was conducted through the use of the Monte Carlo simulation method in a farm simulation model, to wchich the data from a selected fruit growing farm for the years 1998-2007 were incorporated. The results show the possibility of mitigation the income variability through the implementation of anti-frog sprinkling. On other hand, insurance schemes against ground frost risk, due to high insurance premiums, ahve limited ability of farm income stabilization.

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How to Cite
Kłoczko, J., & Wąs, A. (2008). The possibilities of reducing income risk imposed by ground frost in apple production. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 94(2), 164–171.

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