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Stanisław Stańko
Mariusz Hamulczuk

Keywords : retail price, farm price, food marketing chain, seasonal and cyclical fluctuations, price spread
The study presents the seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in the pork prices and retail prices of 16 pork-based food products. The fluctuations in the prices were determined on the basis of monthly data for 1997-2014. To extract the seasonal and cyclical fluctuations the study used the X-12-ARIMA method and Hodrick-Prescott filter. The research confirms the presence of seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in the pork marketing chain in Poland. Seasonal fluctuations of prices on the retail market are delayed to fluctuations in the farm market by 1-2 months, whereas corresponding lags in cyclical fluctuations are 1-6 months. The analyses carried out with the use of additive models indicate that fluctuations in agricultural prices are largely transmitted to retail prices. On the other hand, the use of multiplicative model suggests that the variability of the retail price is lower than the variability of agricultural prices.

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How to Cite
Stańko, S., & Hamulczuk, M. (2015). SEASONALITY AND CYCLICAL NATURE OF PRICES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS IN PORK MARKETING CHAIN. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 102(3), 7–19.

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