The Connection Between Crude Oil Prices And Polish Wheat Prices

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Mariusz Hamulczuk
Cezary Klimkowski

Keywords : wheat prices, crude oil prices, time series analysis, biofuels
Agricultural commodities’ prices play a crucial role in the process of farmers’ decision making. It is due to their direct impact on farmers’ income. It is important to explain the causes of changes of those prices. Among factors influencing wheat prices, crude oil prices are considered as one of the most important. The aim of this paper was an assessment of the connection between world crude oil prices and Polish wheat prices. The results of research confirm an existence of cause-effect of crude oil prices on wheat prices, although the nature and the strength of this relationship changes in time.

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How to Cite
Hamulczuk, M., & Klimkowski, C. (2011). The Connection Between Crude Oil Prices And Polish Wheat Prices. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 98(3), 176–190.

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