Construction of Markowitz and minimal semivariance portfolios including indirect and direct ways of investing in commodities

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Anna Górska
Monika Krawiec

Keywords : Markowitz model, SEM model, indirect and direct ways of investing in commodities
Investing in commodities is a good alternative to investments in financial assets. Adding commodities to portfolio allows to obtain benefits from its diversification. Nevertheless, it is believed that share of commodities should not exceed 30 percent. Thus, the aim of the paper is to verify the recommendation on the Polish market. The analysis encompasses stocks of some enterprises listed at the Warsaw Stock Exchange, precious metals and agricultural items. In order to determine shares of separate assets within portfolio the following two methods are used: standard Markowitz model and SEM model that minimizes portfolio semivariance.

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How to Cite
Górska, A., & Krawiec, M. (2009). Construction of Markowitz and minimal semivariance portfolios including indirect and direct ways of investing in commodities. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(2), 91–97.

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