Economic and organization problems dairy production with high milk yield

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Wojciech Ziętara

Keywords : dairy farms, milk yield, milk production profitability, herd management
The study describes economical and organizational problems of milk production on dairy farms with high milk yield. The analyzed sample of 224 farms was divided into groups according to the milk yield : below and above 9 000 kg milk per cow per year. The as well as analyses conducted involved revenues, costs and profits calculated for 100 kg of milk, productivity of resources: land, labour and capital few herd management issues: age of first calving, length of inter calving period, replacement rate. Research results show that the farms with milk yield higher than 9 000 kg per cow per year are characterized by: lower milk production profitability measured by the level of profit from 100 kg of milk, higher labour, land and capital productivity, lower milk production from fodder feed, longer inter calving period and higher replacement rate.

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How to Cite
Ziętara, W. (2007). Economic and organization problems dairy production with high milk yield. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 93(2), 27–36.

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