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Sylwia Małażewska
Adam Wąs

Keywords : agricultural landscape, public goods, CART method, valuation, value, determinants
The paper concerns the determinants that affect the value of public goods on the example of agricultural landscape. To examine the effect of demographic and personality determinants on the landscape value empirical research was carried out using direct interview in a sample of 100 respondents living in rural-urban municipality of Góra Kalwaria in 2015. The municipality was selected in a targeted manner whereas the respondents to the survey were selected in a random manner according to the layers established on the basis of the results obtained from the Local Data Bank. Univariate statistics and the CART - classification and regression trees method have been used in the analysis. Results confirmed the suitability of CART for determining the factors influencing valu­ation of public goods based on the example of agricultural landscape. The results confirm the effect of previously recognized determinants like age, risk attitude, the frequency of watching TV, buying organic food as well as interest in religion and fashion (individual personality variables). Impacts of the income, place of residence and sex on the valuation of the agricultural landscape were not confirmed. In the study the previously known set of demographic determinants was complemented by a number of people living in the household.

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Małażewska, S., & Wąs, A. (2015). DETERMINANTS OF VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE AS PUBLIC GOOD. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 102(4), 26–40.

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