European Union Funds As A Source Of Investment Financing In Rural Areas: The Case Of Tomaszów District’s Communes In The Years 2005-2009

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Aldona Zawojska
Aleksandra Perek

Keywords : European Union funds, regional policy, rural areas, self-governments
Recently, European Union funds have occurred to be one of the major sources of funding for investment activities of Polish communities. Mainly, rural local governments have been enforced to use external support because of their insufficient budgetary income. In the article, the effectiveness of attracting EU funds by communes of the Tomaszów district over the years 2005-2009 was examined. The district under consideration consists of one urban commune and ten rural communes. To examine and assess the absorption of the EU funds by those communes, the overall amount of EU support was related to the level of local government budgetary income and the size of population. Additionally, the number of implemented investment projects per 1000 habitants was taken into consideration. Combining all those measures allowed for identifying the best and the worst performing local governments in terms of the EU funds absorption.

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How to Cite
Zawojska, A., & Perek, A. (2011). European Union Funds As A Source Of Investment Financing In Rural Areas: The Case Of Tomaszów District’s Communes In The Years 2005-2009. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 98(3), 126–139.

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