The need of macroeconomic research in the agricultural sector

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Andrzej Czyżewski

Keywords : agricultural economics, agri-food sector, macroeconomy, monetary and fiscal options, input-output model
The main aim of the paper is to present the macroeconomic relations influencing the development of agricultural sector. The nature of the survey is rather theoretical and methodical. Particular aims concern defining the importance of macroeconomic relations and dependences in agricultural sector. These aims are going to be accomplished through discussion about influences and side effects in economic research, as well as through defining some general determinants of this research. They concern both macroeconomic environment, which is so important for the development of agricultural sector, and identification of basic index relations. In the second part of the paper, author presents macroeconomic determinants of surveyed sector and relates them with the influence of monetary and fiscal options on the contemporary situation of the agricultural sector and development perspectives. He presents also an input-output model, which seems to be very useful in these research. The paper is completed with the list of other macroeconomic problems, which should become an object of macroeconomic research in relation to the agricultural sector. They might be implemented with the use of presented determinants, indices and methods.

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How to Cite
Czyżewski, A. (2009). The need of macroeconomic research in the agricultural sector. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(2), 9–21.

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