The legal and organization form vs effectiveness of large agricultural enterprises

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Anna Grontkowska

Keywords : profitability on economic activity, return on assets, return on equity, work efficiency
The paper aims to analyze the changes that took place in the large area agricultural enterprises which participated in the Ranking of 300 the best agricultural enterprises in the period 2003-2006. There were analyzed changes in land and labour use, labour efficiency and profitability of economic activity as well as profitability of assets and profitability of own capital. The analyzed enterprises were of different legal forms: private, leased, joint companies, one-man companies of Agency of Agricultural Property and cooperatives. The paper argues that the large area enterprises obtained high effectiveness of labour having low level of employment. With regard to the profitability of economic activity the best were leased and private enterprises, while the best profitability of assets showed the cooperatives. The profitability of own capital differ between the entities of different legal form. In the privatized entities it reached from 13,6% in the year 2003 to 28,4% in the year 2004. Accordingly in the leased farms it ranged from 18,8% to 43,9%. The lowest level of this ratio was observed in one-men companies and cooperatives.

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How to Cite
Grontkowska, A. (2008). The legal and organization form vs effectiveness of large agricultural enterprises. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 95(1), 111–117.

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Raporty z działalności AWRSP za lata 1992-2006.



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