Scale of cooperatives versus their financial performance in the years 1999-2005

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Michał Pietrzak

Keywords : scale, financial performance, dairy cooperatives
This paper presents assessment of relation between scale of dairy cooperatives and their financial performance. The analysis based on 393 objects shows that scale of dairy is correlated with many of efficiency measures. The bigger scale leads to the higher labour productivity, monetary value per milk indicator and milk price offered to the members. However the research does not confirm hypothesis that bigger scale leads to the higher assets productivity and profitability of cooperatives. Further concentration of the dairy sector in Poland should lead to the better results of dairies.

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How to Cite
Pietrzak, M. (2007). Scale of cooperatives versus their financial performance in the years 1999-2005. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 93(2), 107–117.

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