Assessment of farm income risk in dairy farms in Poland in comparison to farms of other production types under different agricultural policy scenarios

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Graham Dalton
Waldemar Guba
Edward Majewski
Adam Wąs

Keywords : farm risk, income volatility, CAP reform, farm simulation model
In the paper, the risk of low Farm Incomes in the selected farm types for different Agricultural Policy scenarios for the years 2013 and 2018 was assessed. The analysis was performed with the use of Monte Carlo simulation method. The simulation’s results show that in Polish farms the risk of low incomes will not be higher than in the base year of 2004, even though gradual liberalization of trade on agricultural markets and liberalization of the common agricultural policy of the EU is assumed. Dairy farms, especially those with a higher scale of production have a greater stability of farm incomes when compared to other farm types.

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How to Cite
Dalton, G., Guba, W., Majewski, E., & Wąs, A. (2007). Assessment of farm income risk in dairy farms in Poland in comparison to farms of other production types under different agricultural policy scenarios. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 93(2), 98–106.

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Hardaker J.B., Huirne R.B.M., Anderson J.R.1997: Coping with Risk in Agriculture. CAB International, Oxon, United Kingdom. ISBN 0 85199 199 X.

OECD 2007: OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2007-2016. Paris, Rome.

Wyniki standardowe uzyskane przez indywidualne gospodarstwa rolne prowadzące rachunkowość w 2004 roku (FADN). 2005: Zakład Rachunkowości Rolnej IERiGŻ.



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