Processional transformation in new union countries of Germany in the period 1990-2005

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Wojciech Ziętara

Keywords : processional transformation, agrarian structure, land use structure, legal forms of agricultural holdings
The paper describes the legal bases and the process of processional transformation in agriculture in New Union Countries of Germany. Those processes result in the changes of the legal forms of enterprises. In the meantime emerged new forms – family farms, civil companies and units with legal personality (i.e. limited companies and cooperatives) and these new forms have substituted predominating forms – productive cooperatives and state farms. Due to those adjustments, during analyzed period, participation in use of land boosts in family farms and personal companies, while in legal entities has fallen off.

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How to Cite
Ziętara, W. (2006). Processional transformation in new union countries of Germany in the period 1990-2005. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 93(1), 110–120.

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