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Mariusz Hamulczuk

Keywords : marketplace, trade, marketing chain, market structures
Market places play an important role in agri-food trade. Nevertheless, the importance of this form of trade shrinks along with an increase in the level of economic development. In this context, the aim of the study was to identify the determinants of changes in marketplace trade in Poland. Empirical study was based on the CSO data for 1999-2014. The obtained results confirm the downward trends in the area of permanent marketplaces, which are accompanied by processes of concentration of retail trade in Poland. The main factors determining the decreasing importance of marketplace trade include the growing importance of large format retailers, changes in agriculture and modifications in consumer buying habits.

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How to Cite
Hamulczuk, M. (2016). DETERMINANTS OF CHANGES IN MARKETPLACE TRADE IN POLAND. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 103(2), 69–77.

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