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Izabela Lipińska
Olga Stefko

Keywords : cultivation contract, processing industry, vertical integration
This aim of this article is to determine the importance of the cultivation contract as a way to provide the raw materials for food processing plant directly related to the improvement of production and business operations. The material for investigation originated from the survey conducted among of 105 entities and from the charts of legal basis. The survey covered four groups of producers and the analysis depended on the duration and implementation of the cultivation contracts (within three years, such as: 1987, 2000, 2009) and the lack of its conclusion. The authors observed some important dependences among such factors as: the size of the farm, the labour forces, capital resources and farm’s amenities. The conducted research has indicated the significant role of the cultivation agreement in both economic and legal terms, although some lack of economic trust appears among several farmers.

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How to Cite
Lipińska, I., & Stefko, O. (2013). CULTIVATION CONTRACT AS A FACTOR TO IMPROVE THE ORGANIZATION OF THE FOOD PROCESSING PLANT – LEGAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 100(4), 82–90.

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