Economic efficiency of farming depending on the land ownership type

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Adam Kagan
Wojciech Ziętara

Keywords : land ownership types, land use systems, farms, land lease, economic effectiveness
The article presents the economic effectiveness of farming by land lessees when compared to farms using their own land. The study was carried out on the selected groups of limited liability companies using leased land (Group 1.), own land but with a significant share of foreign capital (Group 2.) and own land with a predominance of own capital (Group 3.). All farms participated in the „Ranking 300” carried out by the IAFE-NRI in the years 2009-2014. The study adopted the following research hypothesis: „Land lease makes it possible to pursue the economic activity giving the higher current economic effects from land being used than in a situation where this land is owned”. The studies confirmed this hypothesis. Farms run by land lessees obtained the higher values for land, labour, assets and own capital profitability indices than those using own land. With regard to the land, labour and capital productivity, the better effects were obtained by farms from Group 3.

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How to Cite
Kagan, A., & Ziętara, W. (2018). Economic efficiency of farming depending on the land ownership type. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 105(2), 25–37.

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