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Edyta Gajos

Keywords : animal welfare, dairy cattle, farm
The study shows selected aspects of dairy farms operating, which indicate the level of animal welfare. 110 farms situated in the provinces of mazowieckie and podlaskie were examined. It was found, that among the tested farms nearly 98% provided animals with natural bedding materials, which are the best for lying cows. All tested farms fed animals at least 2 times a day. In 99,1% of them cows were provided with continuous access to water. 63,9% of tested farms provided cows with access to pasture. Regular, daily grazing on pasture was ensured in 85,5% of them. 52,7% of tested farms had paddocks. Only 29,4% of them kept calves with their mothers for a period of at least one day. 70.6% of examined farmers had carried out investments aimed to raise the level of animal welfare in recent years.

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How to Cite
Gajos, E. (2012). ANIMAL WELFARE IN POLISH DAIRY FARMS. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 99(1), 108–112.

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