The Development Of Economic Sciences In Warmia And Mazury

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Mirosław Gornowicz
Eugeniusz Niedzielski

Keywords : economic sciences, the economics of agriculture, management
Economic sciences in Warmia and Mazury region have their roots in the activities of various organizations and institutions (e.g. Royal University) associated with the region in the past. In the period after World War II, these sciences were represented in the research and publishing of organizations and scientific associations, in particular in the structures and activities established in 1950 the Agricultural College and then University of Agriculture –Technology and the University of Warmia-Mazury in Olsztyn. The economic sciences in the region were linked to a number of people whose names and contribution were also mentioned in the paper.

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How to Cite
Gornowicz, M., & Niedzielski, E. (2011). The Development Of Economic Sciences In Warmia And Mazury. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 98(2), 64–73.

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