Financial instruments for promoting development in rural areas of Bavaria and Poland. a comparative analysis

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Wojciech Sroka

Keywords : development in rural areas, comparative analysis, Poland, Bavaria
In this working paper the polish program for the development of rural areas (PROW) and its German counterpart, the Bavarian future program for agriculture and rural areas (BayZAL) are analyzed. The main purpose of this examination is the comparison of aims and instruments for the promotion of agriculture and rural areas. In the centre of the analysis are the programs´ focuses and most important measures. The analysis showed, that the examined programs show differences in the area of financing. They reveal both in the focuses as in the promotion of certain measures. In the two programs dominate different philosophies concerning the financing of concrete measures and main activities. They result from the disparities in economic development and the quality of local human capital

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How to Cite
Sroka, W. (2009). Financial instruments for promoting development in rural areas of Bavaria and Poland. a comparative analysis. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(3), 49–57.

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