Asymmetric information and overcoming of it on agricultural credit market

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Alina Daniłowska

Keywords : agricultural credit, asymmetric information, farms
The aim of the paper is to analyze how the cooperative banks and farmers cope with the problem of the asymmetric information on agricultural credit market. The investigation showed that during the assessment of creditworthiness of farmers, cooperative banks take into consideration the credit history of applicants but there is not the credit history among the three the most important determinants of credit positive decisions. Farmers can use reputation as tool of signaling their credibility. Most of the investigated banks pay attention on reputation of farmer and his/her family during the process of granting of credit.

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How to Cite
Daniłowska, A. (2008). Asymmetric information and overcoming of it on agricultural credit market. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 95(3-4), 38–46.

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