Price risk and volatility of prices and price ratios in agriculture

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Mariusz Hamulczuk

Keywords : price volatility, price risk, agriculture
The aim of this paper is to present the theoretical basis of measurement volatility and price risk in agriculture and an empirical estimate of volatility of prices and price relationships in selected agricultural markets. The starting point for the definition of the price risk was the ability to realize the goal function of the economic entity in the short term. To assess the price volatility an unconditional and conditional measures of volatility were used. The results indicate that price risk estimated on the basis of time series of agricultural prices may differ from the risk estimated on the basis of price relationships.

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How to Cite
Hamulczuk, M. (2014). Price risk and volatility of prices and price ratios in agriculture. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 101(4), 54–67.

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