Challenges of the EU animal welfare legislation – implementation and enforcement in Poland

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Monika Gębska

Keywords : animal welfare law, implementation, regulation
The animal welfare (AW) legislation is included in the EU directives and is obligatory for EU Member States. However, its implementation is not always smooth and on time. The aim of the paper was to present the obstacles and reasons of delays of AW law implementation in Poland. Face to face interviews with Polish stakeholders were conducted in 20131. The interviewees were selected due to their involvement in the AW issue as part of their regular job (farmers, official veterinarians, representatives of farmers’ associations and meat producers) or their voluntary interest (NGOs). The delays and obstacles have been caused mainly by financial, social, organizational problems and only to a small extend by lack of animal welfare knowledge or knowledge transfer. It is vital to build up AW awareness of all the parties concerned e.g. farmers, meat producers, officials and consumers.

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How to Cite
Gębska, M. (2014). Challenges of the EU animal welfare legislation – implementation and enforcement in Poland. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 101(4), 37–45.

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