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Sławomir Jarka

Keywords : new institutional economics, outsourcing, large-scale farms
The main objective of the research was to identify economic efficiency of farms from wielkopolskie voivodship, varied in terms of the use of outsourcing. The research was conducted using diagnostic polls and guided interviews. Interviews were conducted personally with executives of investigated farms in 2011. Interviews were conducted in 18 profitable and developing big scale farms (over 100 ha) operating in wielkopolskie voivodship. An important element of the analysis was the use of an index of contract importance to evaluate the level of outsourcing. The value of the index depends on the length, complexity, costs per unit and scope of contract procedures. Companies with the index of contract importance between 2.5 and 2.75 were on average 1/5 more profitable than those with the index between 2 and 2.49. Higher profitability can be explained by the fact that due to outsourcing the level of fixed costs was reduced and that a synergic effect occurred thanks to the use of more efficient technologies.

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How to Cite
Jarka, S. (2013). THE USE OF OUTSOURCING IN BIG SCALE ENTERPRISES IN WIELKOPOLSKA. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 100(2), 88–96.

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