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Edyta Gajos
Edward Dymnicki

Keywords : beef production, economic outputs, Polish Red cattle, suckling system
The study presents a comparison of economic profitability of Polish Red Cattle (PR) rearing in the suckling system depending on the scale of production. A farm keeping PR cows in suckling system was used as a research model. Three scales of production were taken into consideration: small (25 cows), medium (50 cows) and large (75 cows). It was found, that when the scale of production increases, revenues rise faster than costs. Net farm income amounts to 4 662 PLN in case of small, 83 433 PLN in case of medium and 148 059 PLN in case of large scale of production. Net farm income per cow amounts to respectively: 186 PLN/cow, 1 667 PLN/cow and 1 974 PLN/cow. The net farm income possible to achieve in case of small scale production is very low, the farmer does not get a satisfactory income and farm development is not guaranteed. There is a possibility for farmers to get a satisfactory income and develop his or her farm in the case of medium and large scale production.

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How to Cite
Gajos, E., & Dymnicki, E. (2012). THE PROFITABILITY OF POLISH RED CATTLE REARING IN THE SUCKLING SYSTEM DEPENDING ON THE SCALE OF PRODUCTION. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 99(4), 121–126.

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