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Ewa Kołoszycz

Keywords : price volatility, risk, return on assets, simulations, typical farms
In the paper the impact of volatility in milk prices on return on assets (ROA) of assets in the model farms in the years 2012-2016 was estimated. The analysis was performed using a TIPI-CAL model and carrying out simulations using Monte-Carlo. The results, obtained in the course of the simulation, indicate a large variation of return on assets, even if the milk price increase on average from the years 2007-2012 there is a risk concerning the viability of assets on farms.

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How to Cite
Kołoszycz, E. (2012). MILK PRICE VOLATILITY AND RISK PROFILE ON DAIRY FARMS. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 99(1), 81–87.

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