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Waldemar Guba
Jerzy Dąbrowski

Keywords : the deregulation milk market, dairy sector, milk quota, the new CAP after 2013
The article presents the rationale and consecutive steps of deregulation of the common market organization in the dairy sector, which has started with the 2003 CAP reform. The authors also present statistics on restructuring and performance of the Polish dairy sector in a single market over recent years. To asses potential implications of possible further deregulation, which would result in milk quota abolition, results of econometric analyses (commissioned by the EC and MARD) as well as recent long-term market projections have been quoted. Taking into account undergone restructuring and modernization as well as the still existing potential for further efficiency improvement one can expect that the Polish dairy sector can cope well with the further deregulation of the CAP market regime in this sector. The level and priorities of the support under the new CAP after 2013 will be of great significance for the adaptation process to the new policy conditions in this sector.

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How to Cite
Guba, W., & Dąbrowski, J. (2012). DEREGULATION OF THE EU MILK MARKET - IMPLICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POLAND. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 99(1), 32–42.

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