The Relationship Between Consumption Expenditures Of Households Of Farmers And National Bank Of Poland’s Interest Rate

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Monika Utzig

Keywords : households of farmers, consumption expenditures, monetary policy, interest rates
The article presents a research of dependence between consumption expenditures of households of farmers and interest rate of the National Bank of Poland. The negative correlation between examined variables was supposed. The research based on statistical data from the period 2000-2009 showed that there is a negative relationship between households of farmers consumption in Poland and the interest rate of central bank. The relationship is slightly stronger in case of households as a whole than in case of households of farmers. There wasn’t an interpretable dependence between average propensity to consumer and interest rate.

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How to Cite
Utzig, M. (2011). The Relationship Between Consumption Expenditures Of Households Of Farmers And National Bank Of Poland’s Interest Rate. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 98(3), 140–149.

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