Environmental Aspects Of Common Agricultural Policy Planned Reform

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Karol Kociszewski

Keywords : environment protection in agriculture, Common Agricultural Policy, agriculture sustainable development
The paper’s goal is the identification of potential directions of changes in agriculture’s influence on the environment. The probable environmental consequences of the planned reform were presented according to different Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) reform scenarios. The scenarios were the base of the analysis referring to the influence of potential CAP changes on European agriculture development in the perspective of 2020. Taking into account the two most important proposed projects of the reform, it was stated that none of them leads to meaningful agricultural policy liberalisation - which is favourable for sustainable development. Comparing the projects presented by European Commission and European Parliament it could be stated that implementation of the first proposal would stimulate agriculture ecologisation in the wider range. The project of European Parliament does not include solutions, which would deeply change key instruments, so in that variant the environment protection would be sufficient but carried out only in a part of the utilised agricultural area. Alongside this process agriculture intensification would take place in a big part of rural areas. Consequently the CAP changes would be favourable for dual agriculture and the development of rural areas.

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How to Cite
Kociszewski, K. (2011). Environmental Aspects Of Common Agricultural Policy Planned Reform. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 98(3), 84–99. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2011.98.3.31

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