Farmer’s Risk Aversion Impact On Farm’s Results

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Piotr Sulewski

Keywords : risk in agriculture, risk aversion, expected value of farm income, farm income variability, certainty equivalent
In the paper the impact of risk aversion coefficient on expected farm results measured by certainty equivalent was investigated. The analyses were based on expected value-variance approach. In the first phase of the study a stochastic simulation was conducted in order to compute means and variances of revenues assuming scenario with and without insurance scheme. In the second phase, results obtained in the first step were incorporated into whole-farm non-linear programming model which optimized structure of crop production. The results indicate that individual farmer’s attitude towards risk is one of the crucial parameters of risk evaluation in a farm.

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How to Cite
Sulewski, P. (2011). Farmer’s Risk Aversion Impact On Farm’s Results. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 98(2), 94–105.

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