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Roman Lusawa

Keywords : labour force, economic development, processes in social field
The paper discusses the willingness of country dwellers of Mazovian province to Take up job outside their permanent place of residence. In 2006, the Central Statistical Office of Poland estimated the number of people who work outside of the commune being their place of permanent residence for 265373 people. This number comprises of 113148 (42,6%) people residing in rural communes and 69930 people urban and rural communes. Towns located within the Mazovia region show positive value of workers movement. Their economy is fed by 153839 people. In rural communes there has been observed a negative balance amounting to -70813 people [1]. Such significant movements of a basic production factor do not remain unimportant for economic growth as well as for processes happening in the social field. The study presents an attempt to describe these phenomena. Theoretical models given in this study show a beneficial influence of the workforce inflow to local economies. This leads to a conclusion that rural areas of the Mazovian province, in general, lose from the described process a significant developmental potential. Moreover, they bear some specific costs in the social field. However, this statement would be a far-fetched generalization since the process of workforce movement occur with various intensity in specific regions of the province. This is why a spatial distribution of workers has been presented. An attempt has also been made to point out some factors influencing peoples willingness to take up a job outside their place of residence and results of mass movements of employees on the functioning of local economies.

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How to Cite
Lusawa, R. (2011). WILLINGNESS OF COUNTRY DWELLERS OF MAZOVIAN PROVINCE TO TAKE UP JOB OUTSIDER THEIR PLACE OF RESIDENCE. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 98(1), 84–99. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2011.98.1.8

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