Changes of structural differentiation of agrarian structure, crop structure and structure of arable land in Poland in 2002-2007

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Jadwiga Bożek

Keywords : agrarian structure, crop structure, structure of arable land, spatial differentiation
The paper presents the dynamics of changes in spatial differentiation of agrarian structure, crop structure and structure of arable land in Poland according to the methods of statistical structural analysis. The basis for further investigation lies in the grouping of voivodships according to the similarity of structure In the years under comparison. The next question under consideration is the stability of grouping, the direction and rate of changes In the groups of voivodships being distinguished and changes of differentiation between groups.

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How to Cite
Bożek, J. (2010). Changes of structural differentiation of agrarian structure, crop structure and structure of arable land in Poland in 2002-2007. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(4), 26–35.

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