The ways of production rationalizing in the farm. opportunities and threats

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Sławomir Juszczyk

Keywords : rational activity, ways of enlargement of the financial outcome, measure of singular decisions
The aim of this article is to present the conception of different ways of increasing the financial income, taking into account the changes of production quantity, prices of produced goods and costs. Presented results suggest that the best way is the variant of seeking and elimination the mistakes in production process. In the second place, if we are thinking about the chance of success, is the extensive variant, which core issue is not big decreasing of production value with simultaneously more significance decreasing of total costs. The third is semi extensive variant – it is the increasing of production value due to the optimal changes in the structure in total costs or quality – assortment substitution with maintaining unchangeable total costs. In the fourth place is the semi extensive variant (saving of production means) - it is maintaining unchangeable production value and costs decreasing. The most risky is the intensive variant – maximal effect, when we increase costs and we expect more and more increasing of production value. Therefore increasing of the costs have to be firstly deeply analyzed and consider if exists any of other earlier mentioned ways of increasing the financial outcome.

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How to Cite
Juszczyk, S. (2009). The ways of production rationalizing in the farm. opportunities and threats. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(4), 77–90.

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