Economic aspects of alternative ways of protective cattle rearing illustrated with polish red

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Edyta Spaltabaka

Keywords : protected cattle breeds, protection of indigenous cattle breeds, farm profit, incomes and costs
There are four protected cattle breeds in Poland: Polish Red, białogrzbieta, Polish Black-White and Polish Red-White. Although all of these breeds can be reared as a dairy or beef cattle, they are reared in order to milk production. The other way of rearing (as a beef cattle) has been forgotten by farmers, however, this is an unexploited potential and opportunity for further popularization of these breeds. The study shows that rearing system named as suckling cows is not economically reasonable alternative to the milk production and there is a possibility to get much lower farm income. Many of its forms is unprofitable.

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How to Cite
Spaltabaka, E. (2009). Economic aspects of alternative ways of protective cattle rearing illustrated with polish red. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(3), 244–255.

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