Directions for change of the Ukrainian dairy market

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Andrzej Parzonko
Nataliya Sulyma

Keywords : milk production, milk procession, the tendencies of change on the Ukrainian milk market
The article focuses on the Ukrainian dairy market and is analyzing and outlining the tendencies for change that has been evident in the years 2000-2008. It shows that milk production tends to stabilizing after the noticeably decrease since 1990th. The Ukrainian dairy industry continues to rely on Ukrainian households for supplying the majority of raw milk. Currently 1-2 of dairy cows are kept in private households. Some agricultural farmers gave up their livestock breeding business and started with crop production. The process of milk processing sector concentration is taken place (mainly as a result of foreign ownership alliances building). The export of dairy products from Ukraine (mainly the export of cheese) has been growing over the 2000-2008. It is expected that in 2009 Ukraine will take the 5-th place among the most important exporters of milk products in the world.

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How to Cite
Parzonko, A., & Sulyma, N. (2009). Directions for change of the Ukrainian dairy market. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(1), 130–140.

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