Tourism in the Warmia and Mazury Province - State of Art and Perspectives for Development

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Katarzyna Karbowiak

Keywords : tourism, development
The paper presents the state of art and perspectives for development of tourism in the Warmia and Mazury province. The analyzed data come from Central Statistical Office as well as from Regional Operational Program for Warmia and Mazury for the years 2007-2013. The Warmia and Mazury province could be characterized by unique for the European scale environmental, landscape and cultural values. Those are of key importance for competitive advantages of the region. The conducted SWOT analysis has shown that those values are not use efficiently.

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How to Cite
Karbowiak, K. (2008). Tourism in the Warmia and Mazury Province - State of Art and Perspectives for Development. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 95(3-4), 91–100.

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