Separation between ownership and management and effectiveness of utilization of selected production resources

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Justyna Franc-Dąbrowska

Keywords : ownership, management, effectiveness of management, enterprise
The paper presents the assessment of utilization of selected production resources in the view of effectiveness of management in enterprises run by either by the contracted managers or by the companies owners. Research sample was build based on agricultural enterprises which were analyzed for the years 2001-2007. In the analysis the comparative and ratio analysis were applied together with the test for difference between means. Research hypothesis that owners are managing in a more effective way then the contracted managers was verified positively with respect to equity and total assets.

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How to Cite
Franc-Dąbrowska, J. (2008). Separation between ownership and management and effectiveness of utilization of selected production resources. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 95(3-4), 70–82.

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