The optimization of the sale structure in the cooperative creamery

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Magdalena Mądra
Marzena Chmielewska

Keywords : optimization of the sale structure, dairy cooperatives, indirect costs.
The aim of the elaboration was determination of the optimal structure of the quarterly sale in the chosen cooperative creamery. The research object became selected as a „typical” object from about forty purposely chosen cooperative creameries. In all three accepted variants the structure of the optimum sale remained invariable. The reason of such situation was the fact, that in the production of a creamery the level of indirect costs constituted a small percentage of the total amount of costs. It marginally impacts on profitability in the scale of a single product and consequently it influents for a selection of the sale structure through the optimization model.

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How to Cite
Mądra, M., & Chmielewska, M. (2008). The optimization of the sale structure in the cooperative creamery. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 95(2), 60–67.

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