Breeding horticultural plant in APA’S companies

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Tadeusz Filipiak

Keywords : breeding horticultural plant, cost breeding, efficiency
The paper analysis horticultural breeding plants in APA.s companies. These firms are crucial in the development of biological progress. They own 74% of Polish vegetable sub-species listed in Official Subspecies Register in the 2006 year. In the research period 1996-2006, generally there was observable the increase of varieties registration, and decrease of number of species in research and number of enterprises. However there was noted increase of varieties owned by APAs companies (45%) in the Register. It is important to note that the funds spend on horticultural plant breeding decreased by 56% in the research period.

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How to Cite
Filipiak, T. (2008). Breeding horticultural plant in APA’S companies. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 94(2), 157–163.

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