The conditions of milk production in Lower Silesia

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Danuta Mierzwa

Keywords : cooperative, Common Agricultural Policy, milk quota system, sustained development
The paper describes the purchase and processing of milk in the province of Lower Silesia it aims to analyze the organization and production transformations that took place at dairy farms following the introduction of the milk quota system. Despite Lower Silesia potential for milk production and localization nearly the city of Wrocław, milk processing in the region collapsed. It was brought about, among others, by small sizes of the milk producing farms. The system of milk quota forced a lot of farmers to specialize in a given area of production, as only big amounts of sold milk ensure the profitability of its production. Thus small suppliers had to give up milk production. The number of suppliers fell and those who have left had to transport their milk to big cooperatives and private processing companies from outside the region. That is why Lower Silesia region occupies the last positions in the country with regard to the size of production and processing of milk.

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How to Cite
Mierzwa, D. (2007). The conditions of milk production in Lower Silesia. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 94(1), 133–140.

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