Comparison of a risk considering methods in the feed constraints of a farm optimisation linear programming model

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Stanisław Gędek

Keywords : farm production optimisation, linear programming, risk
The aim of the paper was to test two methods of considering risk in the input-output coefficients of a linear programming model used to optimise farm production plans. There were analysed the Charnes- Cooper method and the constrains multiplication method. The analysis based on the 88 farm models. The models used for the comparison differ by the size of resources (the proportions of arable land and meadows, labour) and the level of the input-output coefficient variance-covariance matrix. Both methods gives quite similar results in the most cases. The test provided that the constrains multiplication method is slightly less restrictive to the objective function and the value of the risk affected variables.

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How to Cite
Gędek, S. (2007). Comparison of a risk considering methods in the feed constraints of a farm optimisation linear programming model. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 94(1), 7–22.

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