Members’ participation units and the financial situation of the dairy cooperatives

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Jan Dworniak
Mirosław Wasilewski

Keywords : members. participation units, financial liquidity, the updated profitability, the effectiveness of management.
The study estimates dependency between the level of members. participation units and the financial situation of dairy cooperatives. In the investigated term it has been ascertained that there is an increasing tendency of milk prices in the purchasing centre. That’s why we are able to observe a significant domination of these dairy cooperatives which have gained the highest amount of members. participation units. This group has also noticed the highest: liquidity, updated profitability of assets, owns fund and sales revenue and also the economic productivity of labour. These measures in the dairy cooperatives have been decreasing together with the decrease of the participation fund value. The managers of dairy cooperatives in rational way shaped the size of the payment due and liabilities. The most profitable situation in some respect of debt collection the receivables due has appeared in cooperatives, which possessed the lowest amount of participation fund. The managers from all researched groups of the cooperatives found it beneficial to frame the term of the current debt collection to be longer than a time of payment.

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How to Cite
Dworniak, J., & Wasilewski, M. (2007). Members’ participation units and the financial situation of the dairy cooperatives. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 93(2), 118–128.

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