Paradigms for a contemporary agriculture – protectionism contra liberalism

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Aldona Zawojska

Keywords : protectionism, liberalism, agriculture, paradigms, OECD
This paper presents the four competing paradigms regarding the governance of agriculture, briefly: a dependent paradigm, a competitive paradigm, a multifunctional paradigm, and a globalized production paradigm. It examines the entry into the agricultural policy arena of a new market liberal vision. It contrasts the old and the new paradigms for agriculture, and describes the transition between these paradigms. With the reform of agricultural policies in OECD and the EU countries, the number and complexity of policy measures has increased significantly. Consequently, the paper explains the coverage of support associated with agricultural policies using the OECD indicators, namely PSE and NAC.

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How to Cite
Zawojska, A. (2006). Paradigms for a contemporary agriculture – protectionism contra liberalism. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 92(2), 62–72.

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